Monday, November 28, 2022

Matteo -ALL


 I want to create a unique door knocker. I’m currently emailing my landlord to see if I can put it up once it’s done. The inspiration for it comes from Renaissance era Catholicism. While I was in Italy over the summer I got the chance to go to Milan Cathedral. I saw a grotesque statue of the skinned saint Bartholomew.

Artist: Marco d’Agrate in 1562

I’m making my door knocker in the shape of a head being stretched onto the wall. The head will be missing eyes and the tongue will be used for the knocker part of the piece. 

This is a rough idea on how to approach attaching the wax too the well with the vents. The vents are represented in a clear red, while the well and pour spouts are in a transparent red.

Where are we with this?


TO HANG - Matteo Ricciardi

    With the "To Hang" prompt I am again, due to living arrangement, limited to making a lightweight hanging piece or a free standing piece. I also want this piece to be the one that uses a found object. 

Current draft:

Idea #1
    So the first idea that comes to mind for "To Hang" is to make a rack for gas masks. I collect gas mask purely for their crazy looks and meaning that is tied with it. I want to create a really industrial look. I don't want to use only metal pipes like some of my reference images. I have some parts of an old and unusable acetylene torch and welder. I also have some rubber tubing that may be fun to incorporate.

Sketch: The majority of the connections will be welded together. The found objects and rubber tubbing will be interwoven and attached to the frame.

Idea #2
    For the second idea I want to do more of simplistic rack to hold my computer and gaming head phones. The rack has to be big enough for two decently sized head phones. For the found object I want to use computer circuit boards and processers I have collected.    

Sketch: The panels and hooks will be attached to a fabricated metal frame.


TO LIGHT - Matteo Ricciardi

    I struggled with coming an idea for to light due to my location. I rent an apartment and that restricts me to only doing grounded art pieces. So my plan is to do a light that is radiant and bright enough to fill an entire room. 

Idea #1: 
    My ideas have been heavily influenced by the cast irons sculptures we viewed in class. I also re-visited some of my photos I had taken in Italy of Milan cathedral. My first idea is to make a gothic room light. One that you can place in the corner of any room and get ambient light.

Sketch: The top cage will be forged. The legs and body will be fabricated and the body should hold the electronics.


Idea #2:
    My second idea is to a simpler room light that has more of an industrial style. I want to do an exposed bulb that is surrounded  in by either a geometric or organic metal cage. I also may diffuse the light with some canvas or paper to help keep the light from being to sharp/blinding. 

Sketch: Similar to the first idea, the body and legs will be fabricated while the cage on top will be a mix of fabrication and forging.

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Corinne Whaley_ ALL

  UPDATE TO PULL: December 6, 2022 Here is the finished "To Pull" with patinated bronze. It is a door knocker. Here is the applica...