Thursday, September 8, 2022

Claire Rhein Senior Project

z Senior project proposal and inspiration photos!

  • To be performed late January 2023
  • timeframe-?? 5-10 minutes
  • dark space- dictate light
  • 6 people
  • money? when to apply? how much is available?

To be very honest, I am really struggling to organize my thoughts into an actual proposal. I found the prompt questions but I am very uninspired and im struggling to transform my thoughts into a reality. 


I  think these images demonstrate the most realist version of what i  am looking for. 

  • we are so small, sky is so big
  • stars are not stationary- they seem to dance
  • planets, planes, satellites all move with them
  • shooting stars
  • some stationary some moving aspects

    For this project, I want to work with the idea of perspective. Playing with different visual elements and spacial manipulation. I want to create an aesthetically pleasing dance performance that is focused on the stars, while playing with the idea of shape and how to realize that within the space. My goal is to have this performance viewed from the top down, ideally in the visual arts building. I  don't think that all of the audience has to view this work from the same perspective, the angle at which it is viewed is less important than the space that I am trying to use. I want to work with visual elements as well as dance elements to create this piece. I  want to perform work after dark in order to eliminate natural lighting. 
    This idea stems from the visual of the night sky. Initially, I started looking at images that inspire me using lightning and props to create an image. After looking deeper into my collection, I noticed that all of the images I chose remind me of the night sky. I personally love the stars; I think they are fascinating and I often find places to see them well. 
    Many good memories of my childhood and even present day take place under the stars. For me this is an image, a tether to home that I can find anywhere. It is inspiring to me, the stars make me want to dance fo for joy even in the saddest moments of life. They are steady and constant but at the same time they are always moving. They make me feel small which is comforting and at the same time terrifying. 
    This work has not been developed but the process of movement has begun. I was to realize this idea by using physical objects and lighting to create the illusion of stars. 
     I have researched some images and concepts that have to do with lights and props in order to help with the visual of the work. I like the concept of having something attached to the body to help bring length and change the possibility of shape within the movement. Ideally, I would have at least 6 dancers maybe 8 but I like even numbers. Having many dancers will help the illusion of having many lights, filling the whole space. 
    The idea stems from the concept of manipulating space and the elements within to create a unique visual. I have choreographed a dance before that was heavily focused on shapes. It was inspired by the shape of a box and the whole piece was centered around that idea. I love that concept and I want to build off of that but not with the same box shape. I don't want to recreate the sky or any constellations but I  like the randomness of formation and the way it makes me feel, free, creative, held, balanced, true, romance, etc.
    Production needs: I really don't know what I want the costumes to look like but I think i  want the dancers in all black and I will add to the costumes with something that flows and maybe adds light. Music is also not set yet. I  want some kind of a sound scape and I  want it to be dramatic and mysterious. I  have an idea in my head but it is not fully realized yet. 
    Challenges: I think that I think will be challenging is the aspect of lighting. The spaces that I have in mind so far have very natural lighting and the options for adding stage lighting are very limited but the ideas that I have are based around added lighting so im not sure how I am going to allow this to come to life in the space that I have in mind.  

new costume ideas...

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